Eri Okubo, originally from Kobe, Japan, began her music studies (performance, music theory and composition)at the age of three and won first prize at the Hyogo Prefecture Competition in 1992 when she was eight years old. She was accorded the same honor the following year, and again in 1994 when she was ten. By 1995 she was a finalist at All Japan Student’s music competition, Mainichi Shinbunsha Competition and won second place at the Raionkai Piano Competition. This honor led to a debut with Hyogo Philharmonic Orchestra performing Beethoven Piano Concerto Op.19 when she was eleven.
Eri moved to Florida in 2000 and while in high school won second prize at the Bach Festival Competition and was awarded a scholarship by the Winter Park Musicale and society. In the same year, she started her career with violinist Suliman Tekalli as chamber pianist as well and together made an outstanding debut at the duo concert at the Music Department of Rollins College in Winter Park, FLA. In 2003, she moved to New York City where she continued her music studies at Mannes College of Music with Dr. Thomas Sauer. During that same year she attended the International Keyboard Institute and Festival where she completed master classes with Dr. Jerome Rose, Dr. Victor Rosenbaum and Dr. Jeffery Swann. Additionally, she attended the Luzarne Music Festival in upstate New York where she studied with Dr. David Pasbrig, continuing her career as a chamber music pianist. In 2003, Eri moved back to Kobe, Japan to study at Kobe College under Dr. Shuji Tanaka.
After returning back to the U.S in 2013, Eri made her debut at Astoria Music Festival in New Port, Oregon at Liberty Hall in 2015. Since then she has been pursued her teaching career while continuing to perform. She taught at the Performing Arts Center of Metro West, MA and since then has been teaching privately in the Boston and Cambridge area. While her teachings are for all ages, Eri is licensed under the EEC (Early Education and Care) childcare program and has experience working with students as young as three years of age.

1984年神戸生まれ。3歳よりヤマハ専門コースにてピアノ奏法、音楽理論、作曲を学ぶ。幼少の頃から兵庫県学生ピアノコンクール優秀賞、毎日コンクールファイナリスト等、成績を修める。95年度来音会コンクールにて銀賞受賞、兵庫交響楽団とベートーベンピアノ協奏曲第2番を協演。2000年渡米。2002年フロリダ州にて高校在学中にBach Festival Competitionにて準優勝、Winter Park Musicale Society研究奨学生としても選抜される。
これを皮切りに、同年、ヴァイオリニストのSuliman Tekalli氏と演奏会、コンペティションにてDuo活動を展開、Rollins CollegeにてDuo単独ジョイントリサイタルも開催し、成功を修める。
2003年にニューヨーク、マンハッタンに移住。同年、ピアニストJerome Rose氏率いるInternational Keyboard and Festival、及びLuzarne Music Campに参加。
これまでにRollins College Music Department, Mannes College of Music, 神戸女学院大学音楽学部にて、Keiko Ohnuki Andrews, Thomas Sauer, 田中修二各氏に師事。各音楽祭にてVictor Rosenbaum, Jerome Rose, Jeffery Swann, David Pasbrig各氏に師事し、マスタークラス受講。
2013年に再び渡米後、オレゴン州Astoria Music Festival、メイン州 Sanford Springvale Historical Societyにてコンサートシリーズ、その他の多数ギグに出演。
マサチューセッツ州Department of Early education and Care保育士免許も保持しており演奏活動の傍ら、音楽教室でのレッスンや個人レッスンを実施し、後世へ指導。